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Dog Runs Will Reopen Monday, July 6

After months of waiting for an update from Mayor de Blasio, dog runs have finally been added to the NYC Reopening Plan for Phase 3, which will begin on Monday, July 6, 2020.

New signs with new rules will be posted in the dog run, reminding owners that social distancing and masks are required to use these areas of the park.

We would also like to remind dog owners to please use the dog runs with extreme caution. It has probably been months since your dog has freely engaged with multiple dogs in an open area, so please keep eyes on your dog at all times, and be alert for any signs of aggression or discomfort.

If your dog is feeling overwhelmed, aggressive, or uncomfortable in the dog run, the best thing you can do is leash your dog, leave, and try again later when there are less dogs.

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